Friday, February 26, 2010

25 Random Things about me

1. Religious, I am not hoping GOD will change everything but it gives me strength to fight

2. Completely obsessed about my weight –I feel I don’t do much about it

3. Can swim in sea too …just love water

4. Loves good food –eating and cooking…prefer the first one

5. Changed from being a lazy bum to early riser

6. You should not meet me in morning before I work out – otherwise you could be a subject of my mood swings. Ask my roommates about it.

7. I Love travelling – it has to be luxury or complete adventure

8. I am Completely in love with myself-little less of being a narcissist

9. I get sleepy when drunk – that is 2/3 drinks max

10. I don’t think I can ever fall in love (too practical for it)

11. I cant tolerate any guy for longer than 4 weeks that’s the MAX

12. I get obsessed about things from watching movies/reading books/adventure sports/learning hiphop- it comes and goes in phases

13. chocolate is fat free and is necessary to stay alive

14. Smokers should be burned to death

15. Multiple personality – I can act differently according to time, place and persons involved

16. Kanjoos but trust me – it’s about saving money never taking some one else’s.

17. Suburbs are hell!!!

18. Can marry anyone who makes good Tea/ or hire them

19. I am very proud of completing half marathon in less than 3 hours

20. I love shopping but hate spending money

21. I love chatting/talking

22. I simply adore my family especially my Nani

23. I make judgments on people …first impressions which are usually right J or don’t give people second chances

24. I think ppl who dont know abt stock markets have not evolved completely!!

25. I lack attention to details and at times my focus is to finish off the things…ticking it off my list